Hi, I'm Kai

A math ​tutor from One Tree Hill.

About Me and My Tutoring

Helping your kid succeed in Maths

Maths is a subject where at its core, a scholar will need to grasp the logic and clear group of a rules. If all these sets up are simply laid down, then a person simply must practice and get a command of the theme by preparing the standard examples. Being the fruit of working hard and building upon a solid basis, a higher value will be anticipated for sure.

Building confidence

I have a solid experience upon where to take some examples. I can make the studies fun and am very patient. In case a student is really struggling, I seek the good "handle" to operate in order to enable the child to perceive the topic. I take pleasure in seeing children get a process. I also appreciate it when a scholar who disliked mathematics, comes to be rather fascinated and self-motivated to study even more. Because of my practice from an extensive career in which I kept a teaching duty, although beyond education, I can testify to the priority of numeracy, including of the basic need to establish a scholar's self-assurance. I firmly believe the key to getting proficient in mathematics is in the teaching; it is not the child's defect if the teaching is poor and/or doesn't open the brain and enable them to realise it, enjoy it and also come to be self-assured at it.

Honesty and sympathy

I suppose that a child will not learn in case they are not stimulated and committed, and a particular solid motivator for students is the connection between the learner and the teacher. A sympathetic attitude, and an atmosphere within which the relationship between scholar and teacher can progress and develop frank communication, so the student is not afraid to address areas of disadvantage and misunderstanding, will be granted. I strive to build a trusting and encouraging partnership with each and every student I teach, so that they also can enjoy the fascinating information inside the universe that science and maths deliver me.
I am able to work with students at any grade of maths. I believe that my fantastic strength is to meet the individual scholar at the grade they right now are, and support them further. I firmly believe that nothing is more vital for great results that the child's self-esteem. This is my aim - to let students get faith in themselves through maths and get through. Few details please me more compared to when a student sees it and their confidence grows.

Maths Subjects and Courses Taken

Subjects and Courses Taken

  • General Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Extension 1
  • Mathematics Extension 2

Maths Tutor One Tree Hill

Hi my name is Kai , I live in One Tree Hill, SA . But can also travel to Munno Para Downs 5115, Davoren Park 5113, Angle Vale 5117, Edinburgh 5111, Evanston Gardens 5116, Elizabeth 5112, Gawler South 5118.

  • Postal code: 5114

What languages I speak

English (Australia)
English (Australia)
Some more about me as a tutor image

A Little About Myself

I enjoy maths and also I like teaching it. I know that maths isn't really for everybody but I wish that in my trainings I could help you find out the material and also, possibly, you can discover that mathematics can be fun to research too!

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